
age 24 года


address Chișinău

20 000 MDL

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Обо мне

I am a person with good communication skills. I have the ability to work in a team and I am willing to gain knowledge through self-learning.

I am a person with good communication skills. I have the ability to work in a team and I am willing to gain knowledge through self-learning.

Опыт работы

Май 2022 - Июль 2022
3 месяца

Independent consultant



I was calling people and helping them apply for WV support while adding them to a database.
We had interviews with several mayors in the country and group meetings with locals to make a statistic about who is more vulnerable in a community in order to know exactly who we need to help first.

Май 2021 - Декабрь 2021
8 месяцев




I was receiving emergency and non-emergency calls, monitored drivers logs, keeping records, addressing problems, and dispatching appropriate team members.
I managed around 80 trucks usually we were two dispatchers but I did it alone too many times.


Румынский Свободно владею

Русский Разговорный

Английский Разговорный

Итальянский Базовый

Образование: Среднее-специальное

Год окончания: 2020

Colegiu Tehnologic

Специальность: Inginer tehnic în aparate de uz casnic

Пожелания к работе

График работы


Водительское удостоверение

Категория: B

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