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C&P Dubai
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Căutăm persoane pentru funcția guest relations pentru unul dintre cele mai luxoase hotele ale lumii în orașele Doha (Qatar) sau Dubai (Emiratele Arabe Unite). Aplică chiar acum dacă ai experiență și entuziasm pentru această profesie. Avem nevoie de la tine să: cunoști engleza min de nivel A2 ai pașaport biometric valabil minim 1 an În schimb noi îți oferim: Salariu motivant + bonusuri Cazare asigurată, două persoane

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1500 USD

Responsibilities: Assist customers with inquiries via phone, email, and chat. Resolve product or service problems by clarifying customer issues. Provide accurate, valid, and complete information by using the right methods/tools. Follow communication procedures, guidelines, and policies. Go the extra mile to engage customers and ensure their satisfaction. Requirements and skills: Proven work experience as a Sales Representative. Flue

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Are you interested in a fast-growing business environment and have a drive for success? Are you hoping to gain valuable experience surrounded by motivated and passionate coworkers? At Safeguard Global, our vision is to forever transform the way people work around the world. We are a leading Business Solutions company on a mission to equip our clients to adapt to an ever-shifting global market. With over 900 clients and across 15 global offices,

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Royal Trans Solutions
От 2000 До 3000 EUR

Oferim oportunitatea dezvoltării unei cariere în cadrul Departamentului nostru de Contabilitate al societatii franceze cu sediul in Strasbourg. Este cadrul perfect pentru a utiliza și dezvolta în același timp cunoștințele de contabilitate și cele de limba franceza. Cerinte:Căutăm o persoană riguroasă, organizată și cu spirit de inițiativă. Pentru reușita în această misiune este nevoie de: Cunoașterea limbii franceze la un n

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Hot Software
От 800 До 1000 EUR

Познакомьтесь с нами:Hot Software за динамику и открытость, поэтому в нашей компании царит предпринимательский дух, сочетание азарта и сплоченности, страсть к успеху. Мы создаём высокопродуктивную среду и не боимся преград. Мы часто выходим из своей роли, проявлять инициативу и настойчивость, умение адаптироваться там, где это необходимо.Наш стиль - избегать бюрократии, упрощать процесс связи сотрудников с руководством, внедрять корпоративные пра

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Prosper Capital
От 1000 До 3500 USD

Our American-based transportation company, with offices in the United States and Chișinău, is seeking highly talented and motivated individuals to join our dispatch team. We have been a leading player in the freight industry since 2014 and pride ourselves on our dynamic and innovative approach. As a dispatcher, you will play a crucial role in our operations by negotiating competitive rates and securing loads for our trucks, managing multiple dri

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Highest Gear LLC
От 15 000 До 28 000 MDL

Неважно, есть ли у тебя опыт работы или только что возникла идея начать свою первую работу, мы предлагаем тебе возможность испытать свой потенциал! В наш трудовой коллектив идеально впишется работник:1. владеющий английским языком (на уровне B2+);2. знающий и использующий комбинации клавиш, а также обладающий навыками быстрой печати;3. способный сочетать логику и творчество. ОбучениеЭто уже давно не секрет что твой успех зависит от тебя. Н

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HCB Logistics
От 2200 До 2600 EUR

Польская транспортная компания  „HCB & FDPTransport” SRL приглашает на работу водителей грузовых автомобилей для работы на европейских маршрутах:Водители грузовых автомобилей на рейсы по ЕвропеПредлагаем: официальное трудоустройство на основании трудового договора, социальный пакет, помощь в получении визы работу на грузовых автомобилях стандарта Евро-6 марки «DAF» и «Mercedes»; современные а

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Smile Dent

Responsabilități principale: Întâmpinarea pacienților și ghidarea acestora; Preluarea apelurilor telefonice, furnizarea informațiilor solicitate; Încasarea plății pentru servicii; Completarea rapoartelor în baza activității.   Abilități și aptitudini necesare: cunoașterea limbii italiene (nivel avansat) este obligatorie! abilități de comunicare empatică scrisă și verbală; atenție la detalii și respo


At Safeguard Global, our vision is to forever transform the way people work around the world. We are a leading HR and Payroll outsourcing company on a mission to equip our clients to adapt to an ever-shifting global market. With over 1500 clients and across 50 global offices, we enable organizations to hire, onboard and pay employees in more than 170 countries. Whether it is helping companies become multi-national powerhouses or taking care of pa

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Midnight Works
От 8000 До 12 000 MDL

Cerințe: Cunoașterea limbii engleze B1-B2. Abilități avansate de cunoaștere și utilizare a calculatorului / Microsoft Office. Vocabular bogat și utilizarea corectă a limbajului în timpul conversațiilor în limba engleză. Experiență în copywriting, editare și formularea textelor. Responsabilități: Efectuarea corespondenței și procesarea emailurilor, cererilor de colaborare. Finalizarea eficientă și la timp a fiecărei

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Highest Gear LLC
От 15 000 До 28 000 MDL

Fie că ai experiență de muncă sau abia de ți-a venit idea să începi primul tău job, noi îți oferim oportunitatea să îți pui potențialul la încercare! Un angajat ideal in colectivul nostru de munca ar:1. Cunoaște limba engleză (B2+);2. Posedă deprinderea de a folosi shortcuturi la tastatură și ar avea o viteză de tastare rapidă;3. Deține abilitatea de a combina gândirea logică și creativă; Training:Nu e secret că su

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Candidatul Ideal: Cunoasterea uneia dintre următoarele limbi străine: Spaniolă,Italiana, Rusa, Engleza; Dornic să înceapă o carieră în vânzări, achiziții, negociere; Experiența anterioară nu este obligatorie; Dornic să călătorească internațional; Orientat spre rezultate și auto-motivat; Cunoștințe PC (Ms Office, Outlook);  Încrezător în forțele proprii;  Team player; Sociabil și confortabil

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Smart Dispatch
3000 USD

We offer: Up to 5 trucks per dispatcher Salary up to $3000 / month (NET to you bank acc) Legal contract Paid taxi Bonuses! Experienced and cool team We require: Experience (car-hauling) Ability to work with up to 5 trucks (Mostly owner-operators) Proficient in English (oral and written) Outstanding organizational and multitasking abilities Send your CV to jobs@smartdispatch.us E-mail: jobs@smartdispatch.us Web: http

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At Safeguard Global, our vision is to forever transform the way people work around the world. We are a leading HR and Payroll outsourcing company on a mission to equip our clients to adapt to an ever-shifting global market. With over 900 clients and across 15 global offices, we enable organizations to hire, onboard and pay employees in more than 165 countries. Whether it is helping companies become multi-national powerhouses or taking care of pay

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От 700 До 4000 USD

Responsibilities: Communicate with your drivers Conduct market analysis Look for them good loads (the best ones preferred) Provide excellent customer support Negotiate with brokers Analyse and build a route across the USA Requirements: Knowledge of English Experience in the car-hauling is welcome, but not required, we will teach you everything Ability to find a way out of difficult situations Punctuality Responsibility Executio

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Tekwill Academy Kids

Ești pasionat de limba engleză și îți place să lucrezi cu copiii? Avem oportunitatea perfectă pentru tine!Căutăm un mentor de engleză dedicat pentru a se alătura echipei noastre în cadrul programului After School. Dacă ești o persoană creativă, cu răbdare și experiență în lucrul cu copiii din clasele 1-4, te așteptăm în echipa noastră!Detalii post: Program: Part-time, Luni-Vineri Ore: 14:00 - 17:00 Locația: 

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ADF Solution

We are looking for an experienced Truck Dispatcher to dispatch our drivers to customer locations. In this role, your duties will include coordinating and managing most efficient loads, planning and adjusting routes, as well as scheduling drivers to deliver or collect freight. To ensure success as a Truck dispatcher, you should exhibit extensive experience in dispatching trucks and the ability to work under pressure. Besides, the f

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Bautex Composites

Компания BauTex Composites зарегистрирована в ноябре 2021 года. Основная сфера деятельности: производство. BauTex Composites использует стекловолокно для производства высокотехнологичных материалов и технических тканей. Области применения технических тканей: авиационная, автомобильная, строительная. Подробнее о Компании можете узнать пройдя по ссылке: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbQEyxa0Ffc"Зачем смотреть вдаль, если хорошее рядом

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Global Database

Global Database ayuda a las empresas a impulsar el crecimiento y minimizar los riesgos al ofrecer nuestros datos y tecnología. Con las soluciones que ofrecemos, nuestros clientes identifican prospectos de alta probabilidad a nivel mundial, los verifican y se involucran, así como monitorean a los socios comerciales existentes. Todos los días, cientos de empresas, incluidas Uber, AWS, WeWork y SAP, por nombrar solo algunas, uti

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IG Team
1000 USD

We are IGTeam, a young and dynamic group of enthusiasts, providing dispatch and logistics services for the American transportation market right in the heart of Chisinau.We are with IGT Logistics, an American freight brokerage, specializing in over the road trucking, as well as international shipping.We are currently hiring for an Account Manager position with at least 6 months experince in US or Canada Brokerage.  Responsibilities: M

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ADF Solution

We are looking for a Dry Van Truck Dispatcher to dispatch our drivers to customer locations. In this role, your duties will include coordinating and managing most efficient loads, planning and adjusting routes, as well as scheduling drivers to deliver or collect freight. 1.30% From the Generated Gross Requirements: High intermediate English level; Be communicative, polite and have negotiation skills; Well organized with plann

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700 USD

Responsibilities: Receiving, noting and forwarding telephone calls Providing customers/potential customers with information about the company's products Preparing and editing documents in requested situations Providing support to company employees (e.g. data entry activities, appointment scheduling, emails, etc.) Managing, recording and distributing incoming/outgoing correspondence Candidate requirements: Responsible person, dynamic,

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Cargo Boss Inc.
От 5000 До 8000 USD

Это идеальная позиция для студентов, выпускников ин-яза, которые уже имеют английский уровня Upper Intermediate, которые могут практиковать английский язык после учебы. График работы с 16:00 - 02:00Работаете по бизнес времени Чикаго, США. ОСНОВНЫЕ ОБЯЗАННОСТИ Рекрутинг водителей (американцев) Обзвон базы кандидатов водителей. Проверка документов и заполнение контрактов Отправка запросов и проверка Employment verification Поддержание отно

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От 700 До 4000 USD

Cerințe și responsabilități: Organizarea, planificarea și coordonarea activității de transport; Analiza pietei de car hauling. Identificarea incarcaturilor bune pentru soferii dvs. Negociere cu brokerii Stabilirea traseele optime și monitorizarea curselor; Asistență pentru clienți Cerințe: Cunoașterea limbii engleze Experienţă de lucru într-o poziție similară (Car hauling dispatcher) este obligatorie; Gândire critică

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От 700 До 4000 USD

Требования и обязательства: Общения со своими водителями Анализ рынка кар холинга Поиск хороших загрузок для своих водителей(желательно самые лучшие) Переговоры с брокерами Правильное построение маршрута Обеспечьте отличную поддержку клиентов Требования: Знание английского Опыт работы в car hauling обязателен Умение находить выход из сложных ситуаций Пунктуальность Ответственность Исполнение Обучаемость Стрессоустойчивость Н

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Boekestijn Transport Service was started in 1994 in Mill, Netherlands. In those days there were three Boekestijn trucks on the road. By always sticking to our motto that we drive for you and that your wishes are the most important guidelines for the transport, the company has grown into a transport company of international standing in Europe and beyond, having now about 1000 trucks on the roads. Boekestijn Transport Service trucks have traveled

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Обязанности: Помощь в настройке и внедрению программных сервисов Консультирование клиентов компании по вопросам функционирования программных продуктов Сотрудничество с разработчиками в устранении неполадок и исправлении ошибок Мониторинг и тестирование работоспособности сервисов Требования: Хорошее знание разговорного и письменного английского языка Образование: высшее или студент Грамотное владение русским языком Уверенный пользов

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Orange Moldova

Orange Systems is looking for a new colleague to fill in the position of Customer Operations Agent to work with our International Partners. You’ll be responsible for completing a range of customer operations processes. It will be You and the applications we use, without customer contact. what you will be doing:Customer contract and account management: contract activation and cancellation solving the errors regarding TV and Internet ac

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Smart Dispatch
3000 USD

We offer: 1.2%-2.0% from Gross 5-7 trucks per dispatcher Salary up to $3000 / month (NET to you bank acc) Legal contract Paid taxi Bonuses! Experienced and cool team We require: Flatbed trucking experience Ability to work with 5-7 trucks (Mostly owner-operators) Proficient in English (oral and written) Outstanding organizational and multitasking abilities Send your CV to jobs@smartdispatch.us. E-mail: jobs@smartdispatch.

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18 000 MDL

Deutschsprachiger Verkaufsleiter Das Unternehmen CGI LAB S.R.L. für Architekturvisualisierung und 3D-Rendering sucht aktive und kommunikative Verkaufsmanager, die selbstmotiviert und kundenorientiert sind und für die Verwaltung und Erweiterung unserer Kundendatenbank verantwortlich sind. Unsere Politik ist es, eine komfortable und aufgeschlossene Kommunikationsumgebung zu schaffen, die unseren Mitarbeitern die Freiheit gibt, ihr volles

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Junior Audit

Locations: ChisinauSchedule: hybrid, full-timeImportant: No previous work experience necessary. Looking for a job in the Audit team that allows you to be yourself?Look no further! Join the Yellow Generation and access the training, guidance and skillset necessary to find your true color. What is Audit? Our Audit teams analyze the data behind our clients’ businesses to give them, their investors and market regulators a clear picture of

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IG Team
1000 USD

We are IGTeam, a young and dynamic group of enthusiasts, providing dispatch and logistics services for the American transportation market right in the heart of Chisinau.With over 7 years in the industry, more than 100+ team members, and a fleet of 350+ trucks that we dispatch ourselves, we are a reliable and stable company to join.We are currently hiring for a Logistics Specialist position.Key responsibilities: Entering data, maintaining datab

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От 20 000 До 30 000 MDL

Cerinte: Studii superioare (economice, tecnice, juridice, din domeniul transportului - prezinta un avantaj); Experienta in domeniul transportului/expeditii/logictica minim 1 an obligatoriu; Cunoașterea fluenta a limbii Române, Ruse+ Engleza; Cunoasterea buna de PC; Cunoasterea legislatiei tematice (transport international, Conventie CMR); Responsabilitate, atentie la detalii, initiativa; Rezistenta la stress, capacitatea de a lua d

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Five Star Airways

About us :At Five Star Airways Inc, we’re committed to delivering a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable flying experience to all our passengers. We uphold high standards in every aspect of our service, and to ensure these standards are consistently met, we’re inviting a dedicated Customer Support Representative to join our dynamic team.Key responsibilities : Reservation and Ticketing: Efficiently handling all aspects of ticket booking

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My English Planet SRL
10 000 MDL

Уважаемые преподаватели английского языка! Если вы мыслите нестандартно, пунктуальны, любите работать с детьми и в поисках гарантированного рабочего места и достойной заработной платы от 10 000 лей! Звоните : 079657041CV по адресу: hr@myenglishplanet.org Мы современный языковой центр, занятия проводятся по коммуникативной методике с использованием учебников и методик ведущих мировых издательств. Мы предлагаем: стабильную и конкурентоспособ

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Prosper Capital
От 1000 До 3500 USD

Our American-based transportation company, with offices in the United States and Chișinău, is seeking highly talented and motivated individuals to join our dispatch team. We have been a leading player in the freight industry since 2014 and pride ourselves on our dynamic and innovative approach. As a dispatcher, you will play a crucial role in our operations by negotiating competitive rates and securing loads for our trucks, managing multiple dri

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От 400 До 2500 USD

Bine ați venit la Dyninno, un grup de companii cu sediul în San Francisco care oferă produse și servicii de top în domeniul finanțelor, călătoriilor și divertismentului pe 50 de piețe din 2004. Pasiunea noastră pentru excelență ne-a purtat în lung și-n lat, iar astăzi suntem mândri să avem o echipă de peste 5.400 de profesioniști care lucrează în birourile noastre din SUA, Marea Britanie, Columbia, Letonia, Moldova,

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Air Business Class
От 1000 До 5000 USD

Airbusinessclass is a premier travel agency dedicated to providing a personalized approach to meet the unique travel needs of each client. With a commitment to delivering exceptional customer service and tailoring experiences to our clients' preferences, our goal is to create unforgettable journeys and offer the finest travel products available. We are seeking an exceptional candidate for the role of Travel Sales Agent who possesses natural sale

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VVT Group

Join Our Team as a Truck Dispatcher! Great Benefits, Solid Pay, and Exciting Growth Opportunities! Benefits of joining our team! Company-paid training opportunities (Dispatch) Paid taxi back after the probation period Growth. Development. Promotion. Join Our Culture of Opportunity. Responsibilities: Find loads for available truck units and safe delivery Cost-effective decisions to facilitate the best logistics and maximize the profit

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В Кишиневскй филиал международной транспортной компании Hegelmann Group требуется работник со знанием английского языка. Требования: Знание английского языка от В2 - обязательно; Знание русского языка; Навыки работы на компьютере в различных офисных приложениях (Word, Excel и др.); Опыт работы в логистике желателен, но не обязателен (наличие опыта будет считаться преимуществом); Обучаемость, усидчивость; Умение работать в коллективе, нек

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My English Planet SRL
10 000 MDL

Companie stabilă și de încredere My English Planet (centrul de limbi străine) caută profesori de Engleza. Garantăm: Salariu decent și la timp de la 10.000 lei și mai mult Creștere în carieră Materiale didactice Programe bine dezvoltate Traininguri și cursuri de calificare Program de lucru adecvat Echipă prietenoasă Cerințe pentru candidați: Cunoașterea limbii engleza Punctualitate Abilități de comunicare Dorința de

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How would you like to team up with colleagues from the Americas, Europe, and Asia? We call ourselves Guardians, and there are over 1800 of us across the world. We understand that each one of our Guardians is unique, each with their own style of working. Our ‘Work in Any Way’ model means you’ll have the freedom to choose where and how you work best. How will you make a difference: Respond to and resolve customer questions thr

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От 400 До 1300 EUR

Стань фрилансером и работай удаленно в Молдове, или из офиса в Кишиневе!Мы с радостью примем тебя в команду и всему научим! С ЧЕМ ВЫ БУДЕТЕ РАБОТАТЬ: Исключительно с готовыми заявками от клиентов Без "ХОЛОДНЫХ ЗВОНКОВ" и поисков клиентов Консультирование действующих клиентов компании на предмет покупки продукции (натуральные товары по уходу за лицом и телом) Обучение за счет компании + тренинги (telegram) Гарантированная ставка 400 euro +

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Gabe Trucking
6000 USD

We're an established American business based in Chicago since 2012, dedicated to delivering freight across the nation.Currently, we are seeking a skilled dispatcher to be a part of our dynamic team at our Chisinau branch office! If you have a high level of English proficiency, at least 6 months of experience in a similar position, and a strong ability to work in a team, we want to hear from you! As a dispatcher, your main role is to negotiate r

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Roslin is looking for a Customer Support Agent.No cold calls, no sales, existing customers only. Join our open atmosphere and our culture of trust and support.Every day our team delivers next-generation customer experience and helps transportation companies better connect with their customers. We merge industry knowledge, ever-expanding technical skills, and strong leadership to improve our processes and deliver superior products constantly

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Sales manager
Route One Group
От 15 000 До 50 000 MDL

We're Route One Group, the team known for orchestrating seamless cargo transport across the nation. We are proud to be a trustworthy employer having the best interest in our employees. Our aim is to guide our colleagues, so they can grow together with our company.We're looking for the Sales manager to join our team in Chisinau.What we offer: Personal growth within a winning team; Friendly and supporting environment; Progressiv

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От 400 До 2500 USD

Добро пожаловать в Dyninno, группу компаний из Сан-Франциско, которая с 2004 года предоставляет первоклассные продукты и услуги в области финансов, путешествий и развлечений на 50+ рынках. В 2024 году компания Dyninno с гордостью отмечает свой двадцатый юбилей. Наша страсть к профессионализму помогла нам добиться больших успехов, и теперь наша команда насчитывает более 5 100 специалистов, работающих из офисов в США, Великобритании, Колумбии, Латв

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Requirements: Pedagogical studies with experience. Proficiency English Language. Kindly send a letter of interest or inquiry to hr@heritage.md Email:hr@heritage.md

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USA Logistics Experts
От 1500 До 5000 USD

We Offer: Great Salary: Highly competitive percentage pay, Up to 3% of gross Fast Career Growth for outstanding individuals based on performance only Working hours from 3 pm - 12 midnight, Monday - Friday Friendly and supporting team Progressive leadership Comfortable office and great working conditions Responsibilities: Negotiate competitive rates with brokers based on the current market; Plan and schedule driver's route

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